I haven't been out in service for 25 years, but I do remember the "friends" talking about which property and houses they'd like to take over in the New World™. It must be pretty common. Recent study articles in the Watchtower exhorted JW's to learn unquestioning obedience now so they can be content after Armageddon if their assigned work and accommodations aren't their first preference.
I don't think even the GODs (Guardians of Doctrine) in New York really believe all that Armageddon and New System™ nonsense, but just in case, they're already starting to lower their followers' expectations.
On another note, I too have been "accused" many times of living in my Paradise now, implying that I should give it all up in hopes of the other Paradise after Armageddon. Uh...no. If I seem to be in Paradise now, it's only because of my own hard work and diligence, getting the necessary education and training, and then persistently pursuing the career until I got my foot in the door, starting at the very bottom. That, and several lucky breaks. But even the lucky breaks (like being at the right place at the right time) wouldn't have done any good if I hadn't already acquired the qualifications and experience needed. So yes, I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor immensely. And no, I don't feel the least bit guilty about it.
Besides, I wouldn't even want to live in a world run under any Theocracy. Life in ancient Israel was no picnic. Similar in many ways to ISIS. If "Paradise" were run like the Borg, but with governmental power and authority to physically punish, it would be much the same. No thanks!